Here are the ebooks which I have published and which are in the process of preparation. You can view detailed overview of the ebooks and download them via the "Shop" section of this web site.



රැකියා වෙළඳපළ ජය ගනිමු (How to win the job market)

A simple ebook written in the Sinhalese language assisting people on applying and winning a job opportunity from start to end. The ebook includes advises on how to prepare a better job application, a better CV, face an interview properly, dress codes for interview and many more things. (Written in Sinhalese)

select the best career for you madhawa habarakada

ඔබට ගැළපෙන වෘත්තිය තෝරා ගන්නේ කෙසේද (How to select your future career)

All of the teenagers have their own future dream career path or a career which is induced by their parents or relatives. But how to find out their true purpose or the true enthusiasm? This simple guide will help them all. (Written in Sinhalese)

mobile phone photography guide madhawa habarakada

ජංගම දුරකථන ඡායාරූපකරණ අත්වැල (Mobile photography Guide)

Nowadays each and everyone have a smart phone with a powerfull camera. And most people tend to take photographs using the same. But in most cases the photos taken comes out are not the best. So, how to take a DSLR quality photo from a average phone camera? this is the perfect guide for that. (Written in Sinhalese)

how to increase traffic to your web site madhawa habarakada

ඔබගේ වෙබ් අඩවියෙ ට්‍රැෆික් වැඩිකරගන්නේ කෙසේද (How to increase traffic of your web site)

Creating a web site / blog site is one thing. But getting an audience is another. So, are you also tired with trying out various methods (probably black hat also) to get visitors to your web/blog site. Not to worry. Check this guide out. You will find various methods to increase traffic to your web sites. Yes, not fake traffic, but real ones. (Written in Sinhalese.)



කොළඹ කොටස් වෙළඳපළ ආයෝජන අත්වැල (Guide to Colombo Stock Market)

Colombo Stock Exchange is the best investment platform for an investor who want to make a good profit through investing. But a good knowledge in the activities happen related to investing and analysis is required to make a good profit. This guide will assist the first time investors with least knowledge on starting in CSE. (Written in Sinhalese)


පහසුවෙන් ඉංග්‍රීසි (Learn English the easy way)

English is something most Sri Lankans are afraid of. the 4 parts of a language (Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking) can only be perfected by practice. So, this is a very easy guide with tips and tricks to improve your English fluency with ease. (Written in Sinhalese)


TPM stands for "Total Profit Management"

By definition, TPM stands for "Total Productivity Maintenance". Or some say it as "Total Productivity Management". Actually is it? Is every industry who incorporate TPM to their processes and activities want to improve their productivity only? I'm elaborating that TPM not only increases productivity, instead increases PROFIT. (Written in English)

ඔබගේ නිවසට Solar Lighting System එකක් ඔබම සාදාගන්න (Make your own DIY home solar energy lighting system)

Isn't having your home powered by a free energy source a thing to be proud of? So why not make your home that way. This simple guide will assist you through the steps to make your own home electricity system powered by solar energy. (Written in Sinhalese)

අලුතින් බ්ලොග් අඩවියක් අරඹමු (How to create a blog site)

Blogs are everywhere. So why not create one for your self to express your ideas, showcase your capabilities and talents, share your knowledge with the world? The best thing is, it's totally free. This is a basic guide to start a blog site on platform. (Written in Sinhalese)

30-50%ක ලාභයක් ලැබෙන ඔන්ලයින් බිස්නස් එකක් අරඹමු. (Let's start an online business generating 30-50% profit)

Tired of doing the same job over and over again? Why not start your own business? The easiest is a Buying and Selling business. And you know, you can start this with ZERO CAPITAL. Join with me and I will get you through a very simple guide. (Written in Sinhalese.)

I write more on my blogs...

On Career Guidance

Simple guidance to school leavers and fresh graduates regarding shaping their career paths and being successful in their future.

On Green Concepts

Green technology is an emerging subject in the scene but not much aware by the general public, although some concepts are with us for generations.

On Share Trading on CSE

"Guide To CSE" was found at a time where there was no assistant to new and small scale investors to invest in Colombo Stock Market. It is the first Sinhalese learning platform regarding CSE.

On Entrepreneurship

Tyro Club, which I created for assisting small and new entrepreneurs on starting and developing their own business. This assistance has already created several successful Entrepreneurs.

I have my own Podcast